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After Botox
- Some small red dots may be visible on the skin after treatment, as well as some minor bruising. However, both the red dots and bruising from Botox treatment will fade after a few hours. it is important that you follow your doctor’s instructions for Botox after are to help ensure that you achieve optimal results. Do not apply a cold compress to the treated area for a few hours after the procedure to prevent moving the Botox away from the ideal sites. The appearance of any bruising or swelling can also be minimized with the help of makeup or taking Arnica Montana available from your supermarket or pharmacy.
- Should you notice any blood around the injection sites, wipe them away using clean cold water with strokes radiating away from the eye – upwards on the forehead, sideways on the side of the eyes, downwards below the eyes.
- When Botox treatment after care instructions are properly followed, recovery from the procedure is usually quick. After administration the Botox injections, you should avoid performing jarring movements, showering, bending your head, even certain facial exercises. This prevents Botox from being moved to the wrong places. By limiting your head and facial movements, the Botox will remain focused in the proper muscles that were targeted.
- While Botox after care usually does not require any downtime and normal activities can be resumed immediately after the procedure, patients are advised to wait 24 hours before taking part in any strenuous activity. Your doctor will advise you to avoid lying down for four to five hours following the treatment and to avoid massaging the treated area.
- Be sure to ask your doctor about any recommendations he or she may have regarding changes in your daily skin regimen or the use of other medicines and drugs in conjunction with your Botox treatment.
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