• Risks for OAC include: if there is an infection in the antrum, the defect is large (>5mm in diameter), the gingival tissue are not approximated, the wound is dehisced, or the patient does not follow the postoperative instructions. 
  • If root is displaced into sinus, attempt to visualize and retrieve root through the extraction socket.
  • If unsuccessful, obtain imaging. If conservative surgical approaches are unsuccessful, then a Caldwell-Luc may be performed.
  • In general, root tips between 1-3mm and are without infection or pathology can be managed expectantly. A root that is 2mm or greater and exhibits infection or pathology should be removed.
  • <2mm: no surgical treatment is necessary if adequate hemostasis is achieved
  • 2 to 6mm: conservative treatment is indicated including placement of a figure-of-eight suture over the tooth socket and sinus precautions*
  • >6mm: primary closure via buccal flap or a palatal flap procedure

* Avoid blowing nose, violent sneezing, sucking on straws, smoking