• Cartilagenous lacerations should be approximated to reconstruct anatomy and prevent chronic chondritic inflammation. Interrupted sutures may promote cartilage margin overlap; the use of figure of eight sutures prevents overlap of lacerated cartilage margins. Cartilage has a limited vascurlar supply, originating from overlying soft tissue; therfore extensive debridement of overlying soft tissue should be discourage.
  • If avulsed segment is 1 cm or less, it can be reattached and allowed to revascularize. Larger avulsive injuries, the “pocket principle” can be used where the detached ear is dermabraded and reattached to the stump and then buried under a skin flap in the posterior auricular region to provide vascular supply. 2-3 weeks later, the revascularized ear is uncovered and allowed to re- epithelialize.