Cortical allografts = incorporated by creeping substitution with intramembranous ossification

Cancellous allografts = incorporated by 2-phase process of mesenchymal cell differentiation to osteoblasts followed by resorption by osteoclasts, resorption exposes BMP causing osteoblasts to generate more bone, has more osteoblasts, MORE osteogenic and osteoinductive

Demineralized Freeze Dried Bone = remodels faster, greater new bone formation, osteoINductive (promotes bone growth), preserves BMPs

Mineralized Freeze Dried Bone = remodels slower, more osteoconductive

Fresh frozen = osteoconductive

Xenograft = ONLY osteoconductive



  • Osteogenesis: The survival of cellular elements within a donor graft allows synthesis of new bone at the recipient site — only occurs with autografts!!!!
  • Osteoinduction: Active recruitment of host mesenchymal stem cells, including growth factors and bone morphogenetic proteins, from the surrounding tissue allows formation of new bone.

Osteoconduction: Graft material facilitates invasion of blood vessels and connection of bone cells to the lattice framework. [fonseca]