Sacrifice of the radial artery relies on an intact communication between the superficial and deep palmer arches. This is typically confirmed pre-operatively by an Allen’s test. The technique is as follows:

  1. Elevate the patient’s hands above heart 
  2. Occlude radial and ulnar arteries
  3. Have the patient open and close fist several times
  4. Lower the hand below heart
  5. Release ulnar artery and time blood flow return to hand
  6. Repeat with radial artery

If there is no communication between the superficial and deep palmar arches, sacrifice of the radial artery will result in vascular compromise to the thumb. The palm, middle finger and 5th digit are supplied by the ulnar artery.

If color returns as described above, the Allen’s test is considered to be “negative.” If color fails to return, the test is considered “positive” and the ulnar artery supply to the hand is not sufficient. The radial artery therefore cannot be safely

Allen’s Test