Goals of Reconstruction

  • Providing adequate bony matrix for the developing teeth
  • Closure of any residual oronasal fistulas
  • Create alveolar ridge continuity
  • Improve bony support for the nasal base on the cleft side
  • Bilateral cleft palate – stabilize mobile premaxillary segment

Incidence of Cleft Lip & Palate

  • Cleft palate: F > M (3:2)
  • Cleft lip: male on left

Rule of 10’s

  • 10 weeks of age
  • Weighs 10 lbs
  • Serum Hg of 10mg/dL

Isolated Cleft Palate

  • Isolated cleft palate: underlying syndromal association
  • Stickler syndrome (type of Robin sequence): most common; multiple systemic anomalies, principally including articular, ophthalmologic (high grade hyopia and retinal detachment), and facial findings (depressed nasal bridge, midfacial hypoplasia, micrognathia, cleft palate)
  • Velcardiofacial syndrome (q22 deletion): cleft palate, cardiac anomalies, mental retardation, learning disabilities, internal carotid deviation, micrognathia, narrow palpebral fissure, microcephaly; ring chromosome anomaly
  • Van der Woude syndrome: clefting and lower lip pits